Importance of learning to pass the ball
The players paying attention to passing can expect good results.
“Excellent pass!” It is possible, it is the best praise which the player can receive on a platform. Usually it means that your team mate increased the account. The good, timely pass is similar to a smile; the best that it is possible to make – to answer the same.
Key to ability to make exact passes – simplicity. A good pass – easy and deprived of tension. Usually it is a pass on 1,5 – 5,5 meters (more distant can be intercepted), thus the precisely calculated. Failure in attempt to imitate the passes which are carried out by professionals one hand can comprehend the beginning players. At the average player of NBA of 1,98 meters in height – hands which can be made with a ball anything; the school student of 1,5 meters in height has no such opportunities. Working two hands, you can be the owner of the game, for example, if you decide not to make a pass because accepting suddenly it was closed.
As well as in a case with maintaining, excessive refinement by pass – one of pressing problems. The complicated pass can mislead both rivals, and team mate. And this habit becomes infectious. If one player on a platform makes pass because of a back, be sure that other four will want to make the same.
The best players try to diversify the passes. It does them by less predictable and allows partners in team to throw more balls. Good passers, making pass, see all platform, and not just its part. That is why they most often are successful in “excellent passes”. It occurs because they hold the head lifted, correctly analyze a situation on a platform and make the right decision. To throw a ball – the simplest part of passing!
Learn to make pass surely that you did not need to reflect on it during game at all. It will help you to increase the speed of passes, to make them before protection manages to react.
Passing from a breast
Pass from a breast – the most effective way quickly to pass a ball to the partner, so far between you is not present the rival. Hold a ball close to a breast. Push a ball forward, straightening wrists so that your brushes were developed. After a throw thumbs have to appear below, and the back parties of a palm to be turned to each other. It is necessary for you that the ball flied to a breast to the accepting. For training, it is possible to use any target.
With what force to throw? It depends on a concrete situation. If your partner is at distance only 3 meters from you and if he is the inexperienced player, it is better for you to weaken a throw, pushing away a ball as a spring. (Trainers speak: “Let it by air”.) But in most cases, nevertheless it is necessary to start up a ball on a straight line is the fastest way of a pass from your hands accepting.
Training, make sure that your first movement – a push forward, but not tossing up. The raising of brushes too takes time, and it gives additional opportunities for interception of a ball to your opponents. If time has enough, the player should take a step forward, but without this step pass turns out quicker. Simply remember that without step forward the pass becomes weaker.
Passing with a rebound
Not many defenders are rather fast to intercept the ball hitting a floor that is why pass with a rebound is so useful. If you appeared in a difficult situation or you want to do pass absolutely near the defender when the accepting is in advantageous position for a throw, passing with a rebound can appear the best option. It forces the defender to accept an unnatural pose, bending the case to get the ball rushing near it.
The beauty of passing with a rebound in basketball consists in its naturalness – well twirled ball will always jump aside correctly. And this reception is easy for performance: the floor gives to a ball the additional speed therefore this reception is so popular among not too strong players.
To do pass with a rebound, push a ball, as by passing from a breast but so that it jumped aside in two thirds of distance to the accepting. The most widespread mistake when the rebound occurs insufficiently close to accepting and a ball can fall into hands of the run-up defender.
The ball has to jump up approximately to the level of the belt accepting. The correct work of hands you can do the pass of more reliable. Before passing thumbs have to be from above a ball, and after its end – from below, all other fingers are extended. This movement of hands gives to a ball the necessary rotation in the opposite direction and increases a pass corner, doing it more convenient.
- Before passing take a small step forward. It will give to a ball bigger acceleration. Look at the purpose and watch that the last finger-tips concerned a ball.
Difficulty in defining when to make pass with a rebound and when – from a breast. Look at game of professionals and track, than forwards in a choice of suitable passes are guided. - Pass with a rebound: Pass a ball to the partners ready to a throw who are pushing aside the defender back or not too dexterous. By passing with a rebound the ball flies more slowly, than at
to pass by air, but accepting to catch easier jumping aside ball. - Pass by air: It is better to do it on the high player who is under a ring if you are in an environment of several rivals.
Pass a ball to the most dexterous players and only in case of special need. The problem consists that five couples hands of rivals are ready to intercept a ball at the height from 1 to 2 meter over a floor, and it and is the main zone of passing from a breast.
Pass over the head
If you are going to master only one way of pass, let it will be passing over the head. You will not make pass from a breast when you are faced by the defender? You will not be able simply to make it. To pass a ball with a rebound on the middle of a platform? Any of rivals will be in time to a ball earlier, than that will hit a floor and will jump aside.
Let’s consider situations in which pass over the head is most acceptable:
- By passing to platform depth (unless you make pass from the front line);
- When before you the defender;
- After a pass with a rebound.
Correctly to do this pass, it is necessary to arrange evenly a ball between both hands over the head. Develop wrists so that all fingers were directed towards pass. To give to a throw it is more than force, you should take a step forward. But sometimes it will be impossible because of too dense protection. In that case at least make sure that you do not deviate back, differently the ball can be easily intercepted.
Passes over the head are especially important for teams of boys and girls at the age of about 10 years. Players are not able to find yet free space therefore passes from a breast which more senior players easily use, bring only here to that the ball jumps aside from hands of the flocked players. However many children have not enough forces to lift a ball over the head or to catch highly flying ball. How to correct it? Only training. Unfortunately, miracles do not happen.
By such pass, the accepting has to get a ball at the level of a chin or above. If it is pass from top to down, falling to the belt accepting a ball holds down the movement of hands accepting it is difficult for them to decide as to accept a ball – holding thumbs up or down.
Train passing over the head along with working off of throws. Even if before you there is no defender, present that he is. Also add to it any feint to release a little space.
Your team mate will thank you for it.
Lateral passing (pass with pushing away)
When before you the defender, and one more already, perhaps, comes nearer, it is difficult to pass a ball two hands. You need to round the defender and quickly to throw out a ball. Here where lateral pass is useful (or pass with pushing away), but here it is necessary to think.
It is better to make this pass from the provision of “threefold threat”. As the defender pushes aside you, his hands are prepared to beat out a ball. Use it on advantage to yourself. Solve, whether you will throw over or under his hand, and use the deceptive movement. If the hand of the defender goes down, throw over it if up – pass a ball from under it. The main loading will be borne by a wrist: it will be a short sharp throw because you have no time for tossing of a ball up.
For the best control hold fingers, above, and a shoulder – below. It is very difficult to control a low throw from under a hand of the defender and, having begun the movement with a hand, you will not be able to change the mind any more. Make sure that you have enough to throw forces a ball one hand. Pass from a shoulder as a result of which the ball will fall to the level of a waist accepting, it is difficult to accept as it is necessary to think quickly as it is better to catch a ball – holding thumbs up or down. Do not force this decision accepting to spend time for acceptance.
Learn to make lateral pass both the right, and left hand. Accuracy – a pressing problem bypassing with a weak hand because the ball can easily deviate the purpose or leave for good aside. Work pass with a weak hand about a wall during breaks in training or in any other time. Many trainers demand to act as often as possible with a weak hand, even when you get balls before training and after move away them. Be ahead of the trainer – start doing it to his instruction, and it will help you to improve the game qualities.
Many players do not use lateral passes as they seem less reliable, than carried out by two hands. But against superior forces of the rival you all the same should use it.
Pass because of a back
Here my rules concerning passes:
- If the player makes bad pass from a breast, over the head or the throw does not work well with a rebound and because of it, I do not delete it from a platform, understanding that he tried to pass a ball to the team mate, but thus was mistaken.
- If the player loses a ball by passing because of a back which was not extremely necessary, he leaves.
- If pass because of a back helps command to strike a ring, I do not do any remarks.
Players learn my rules even before the first game, and I explain the logic:
We play to win, but not to shoot the bright movie. Players know that game – not time to experiment.
I say also that in certain situations pass over the back can be effective. Trainers justify its application in one – two special situations. If you conduct a ball to the right of a board, can or throw it, or if on a meeting the defender moves, to do pass because of a back to the open partner.
So if you do it, do correctly.
Take a ball in a hand which throw, and lead around it around the case for a back. Loading lies on a hand and fingers, but not on shoulders. If you turn shoulders, protection will understand that you are going to pass a ball because of a back, and until you pass a ball back, will manage to block the accepting.
Train your passing skills because of a back with a wall from distance about 3 m. If you manage to force a ball to come back directly to you, means you send a ball correctly. To force a ball to come sideways, but not directly, slightly weaken a throw. Make sure that partners know that you make pass because of a back. Otherwise, you will deceive not only protection, but also them.
Exercise with passing of two balls
Each team fulfills pass bases, pairing players off that they threw a ball each other. It works at the beginning, but after a while becomes boring. There is no resistance of defenders and an element of surprise in pass. Whether it is possible to observe a similar situation with two motionless players in game?
Good way to check skills of pass – training with two balls. Two players send each other two basketballs of a different look. For example, a striped ball for passes with a rebound, and one-color – for passes over the head.
Try to hold on minute without inexact pass and without loss of a ball. All mistakes, such as non-performance of a step forward before a throw or weak passes with a rebound, will be visible at once because of tension due to the need to watch at once two balls.
Not less important that similar training – also the intellectual test. When the last seconds of a time come to an end, passing beg each other to work quicker and quicker – and thus they have to remember all, what ball to pass with a rebound, and what – over the head. Therefore, here concentration and speed of reaction is as much as possible shown.
After working off of passes with a rebound and over the head with two balls pass to lateral passes. Throw the right hand in the direction of the left hand of the accepting. Your partner will do the same. Also do not forget to train the left hand, holding it over the level of a waist and serving a ball at the top, even when the hand was tired.
The deceptive movements with a ball
Aggressive defenders cannot keep from it. When they see that they have a possibility of interception, they are ready to make everything to intercept a ball. You can benefit from this, using the deceptive movements with a ball. Defenders who cannot see at the same time passing and accepting, easier than all give in on feints. If you are going to do pass, and the defender presses on you, breakthrough of the team mate can break its concentration.
Use of feints against protection creates the best conditions for pass. You can release space for pass, the deceptive movement having forced the defender to bend down. Show it that are going to pass a ball from below. The defender will react to your feint and will be bent, releasing you a place, and then throw from above. It is possible to pass a ball directly over the defender’s head.
(“To Cut” it!) This least suitable place for a deviation as hands are not capable to be passed quickly from below for the head. And though is an unnatural situation, try to make this feint. If the defender jumps up or is too high growth to throw a ball through his head, try to pass a ball at the level of his ear.
The good feint is effective and at a three-point throw. Present that you are the power forward attacking from an average zone. When you imitate attempt of a pass to somebody under a ring, defenders will surely react. If at this moment in a platform corner, on the adjusted position there is a partner with a good throw, nobody will be able to block it. And the prize of time is especially important for a three-point throw.
At attack each player has to use at least one deceptive movement before passing a ball. If not to make it in game, the good defender will be able to guess where you are going to pass a ball and therefore such pass can quite turn back failure. You can win other team purely psychologically: if your players are more powerful, quicker and more strongly. But sometimes you should play with the teams with the best physical data, than at yours. Deceive to deprive of them this advantage.
“A bull in a circle”
Better to perfect technology of pass, you need to be trained with protection. Mychasto is played “a bull in a ring” because it forces players to think, what pass to do, where and how to beat defenders. Not less than six players are necessary. Here is how to play:
Form a 4,5-meter circle from five passing, and put the sixth player (“bull”) in a circle. The players standing on circle perimeter will pass a ball each other, and the player in a circle – to try to intercept it. Thus the next neighbor cannot pass a ball it is too simple and unfair to the defender.
During 30 sec. passing send a ball, aloud including number of passes. The defender tries to intercept a ball and if it manages it, it holds a ball of 5 sec. After 30 sec. the defender has to be wrung out so many time, how many passes to it were not succeeded to intercept. (Jumps will be suitable for players more young.) If you have eight or nine players, it is possible to play with two defenders. It approaches training to real game even more, and defenders will work interaction.
In this game, many components of pass are fulfilled: speed, the deceptive movements, ability to be guided in an intense situation. It will help to improve the accuracy of passes. Not less important that during such training team mate interact and adapt to each other. Besides, the platform is not necessary – you can play on the street if your time in a hall is limited. Forward!
Councils from the master to the player passing a ball:
- Not to allow negligence when performing passes;
- To expedite passes;
- When releasing a ball to control it finger-tips;
- To pass a ball in a point where there will be a partner, but not there where it is now;
- To look aside from the partner accepting pass, but not on him;
- Not to stand after pass, to come to an empty seat;
- Dribbling – the only reception giving the chance to the player to move ahead with a ball on a platform with a big range of speeds and in any direction.